The Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship (AOTS) was established in
1959 with the support of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (which is
the present Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) as the first
cooperation organization on a private basis in Japan. Its main purpose was to
promote international economic cooperation and enhance mutual economic
development and friendly relations between those countries and Japan. AOTS &
JODC were merged to form HIDA in 2012.
AOTS/HIDA Alumni Societies/Associations
When participants of AOTS/HIDA training programs return to their home counties after
studying in Japan, they join their local AOTS/HIDA Alumni Society and dedicate
themselves to the economic and industrial development of their respective
countries and the enhancement of friendly relations with Japan and other
countries. Over 70 Alumni Societies in 43 countries have been established, and some new Societies are under preparation in addition to the existing ones.
The AOTS/HIDA Alumni Societies are
Non-profit private organizations, voluntarily founded in various parts of the world,
by the participants of AOTS/HIDA training programs with the shared experience of
training in Japan dedicated to the economic and industrial development of their
own countries and to the enhancement of friendly relations with Japan and other
countries through human resources development. AAAWI is a very successful
example of such a Society.
The Overseas Human Resources and Industry Development Association (HIDA)
The Overseas Human Resources and Industry Development Association (HIDA)
is an organization for human resources development in developing countries to
promote technical cooperation through training, experts dispatch and other programs.
Through those programs, we aim at contributing to the mutual economic growth of
developing countries and Japan as well as enhancing friendly relations between
those countries.
HIDA came into being by merger of AOTS/HIDA & JODC on 30-3-2012 under the
Ministry of Economic ,Trade and Industry (METI). HIDA works closely with Japan
External Trade Organisation (JETRO)