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About us




There are over 70 alumni societies in 43 countries all over the world. Among these associations, AAAWI is one of the leading ones in organising seminars & training programs.

It is a non -profit organization, dedicated to human resource development through sharing of knowledge. AAAWI regularly conducts management & technology related seminars with the help of experts from Japan & India.


AAAWI has conducted Japanese language courses at its state-of-the-art training center. Spoken and written Japanese was taught in different modules. Restarting of this program is being planned.

Major activities :

International Technical Training Programme

In the last decade our association has organized technical training programmes under both World Network of Friendship (WNF) and AAAWI International Training Programmes.(AITP) More than three hundred participants from Bangladesh,
Nepal, Srilanka, Ghana, Sudan & Tanzania have been trained so far for 3 to 4 weeks each with the cooperation of M/s Larsen & Toubro, M/s Godrej & Boyce ltd., M/s. Mahindra & Mahindra and M/s.Reliance Energy.

Training centre

With help from Nippon foundation we have established AAAWI Nippon centre in the heart of the city where following activities are conducted.

a) Seminars by visiting Japanese faculty as well as faculty drawn from local industries and academic institutions covering wide range of topics      from improved production systems, quality management and other human resources development activities.

b) Seminar and training programmes for various community activities with the cooperation of other organizations as well s specific activities      aimed at student community.

c) Facilitate selection and placement of Japanese Interns into Indian Industries.

d) An information centre and library is functional with a large collection of topical and informative books on diverse topics on Japanese language,     Culture, Industry, Management Practices along with collection of video material. Books are available to members for borrowing and for     reference to others.



The Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship (AOTS) was established in 1959 with the support of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (which is the present Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) as the first cooperation organization on a private basis in Japan. Its main purpose was to promote international economic cooperation and enhance mutual economic development and friendly relations between those countries and Japan. AOTS & JODC were merged to form HIDA in 2012.

AOTS/HIDA Alumni Societies/Associations

When participants of AOTS/HIDA training programs return to their home counties after studying in Japan, they join their local AOTS/HIDA Alumni Society and dedicate themselves to the economic and industrial development of their respective countries and the enhancement of friendly relations with Japan and other countries. Over 70 Alumni Societies in 43 countries have been established, and some new Societies are under preparation in addition to the existing ones.

The AOTS/HIDA Alumni Societies are

Non-profit private organizations, voluntarily founded in various parts of the world, by the participants of AOTS/HIDA training programs with the shared experience of training in Japan dedicated to the economic and industrial development of their own countries and to the enhancement of friendly relations with Japan and other countries through human resources development. AAAWI is a very successful example of such a Society.

The Overseas Human Resources and Industry Development Association (HIDA)

The Overseas Human Resources and Industry Development Association (HIDA) is an organization for human resources development in developing countries to promote technical cooperation through training, experts dispatch and other programs.

Through those programs, we aim at contributing to the mutual economic growth of developing countries and Japan as well as enhancing friendly relations between those countries.

HIDA came into being by merger of AOTS/HIDA & JODC on 30-3-2012 under the Ministry of Economic ,Trade and Industry (METI). HIDA works closely with Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO)

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