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Picture Gallery (click on the picture to see full set)

apex1  apex2  orientation

             APEX Seminar by Dr. Shroff                               Genba Kaizen                                              Orientation     
   con_gen  safaas  intern
           Mr. Patwardhan, President with                              SAFAAS                                                Orientation for
        Consul General Mr. Kiyoshi Asako                                                                               Japanese Interns at JETRO
& Vice Consul Mr. Kazushige Hiraishi of Japan
  eeim  sandoff   
                           EEIM                                          Send Off to Interns                           Mr Ramamurthy & Prof K Ayano
            Midori Ghista in Japan                            Mr. K V Banavalkar & Mr Saito                        First Committee 1993
                                                                                           at Akita 1963                                  

 L to R standing  

Sitting L to R  

  Mr Patwardhan Mr Yamamoto at Prayog Electricals click here
  Felicitation Interview of Mrs Vasundhara Rasal click here
  Seminar on Mobile Banking Image 1  2  3  4  5  6  7

  Mr. Purav & Mr. Pradeep Goliya with Mr. Mitani, Head  New Delhi Office click here


  Management Committee Members with Mr. H Kanda of HIDA  click here

  Seminar on MTP by Mr. Ebihara click here
  Farewell to the outgoing president Mr Prasad patwardhan on 15-07-2014 Image click here
  New executive committee 2014-17 click here
 Twenty First AGM of AAAWI - 19th July 2014 1 2 3
 Piano concert by noted Japanese pianist, Toshiki Usui click here
 Mr Purav & Ms Rasal at Indo-Japanese Association 1 2

 AAAWI Delegates 9th World Convention-Group click here

 WNF 2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
 Seminar on Effective Time Management 1 2 3 4
 Japanese Interns Diwali & Christmas Celebration 1 2 3 4 5 6
 Lohri  Festival 2015 – Host Mr. Vinay Sharma with Japanese Interns and AAAWI Members click here
 Sakiho san at Mr Agrawal's residence click here
 Japanese Language Teachers Seminar 1 2 3 4 5
 Pune visit Purav, Agarwal with Osada san and Mr. Kenzi san click here
 seminar on investors psychology 1 2 3
 Japanese Language Inaugural Ceremony 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
 FAAAI AGM 1 2 3 4 5
 Internship Program 2015 1 2 3 4 5 6
 Japanese Language Education 1 2 3 4
 SAFAAS Convention 1 2
 Interns at Elephanta Caves 1 2 3

 Tanaka san being welcomed in AAAWI by Mr. President and Mr. Secretary click here


 Waragai san with Vice President AAAWI 1 2

 Jetro orientation 1   Manmohan at MECO 1  New year party for interns 1  Dahanu visit 1   Dinner for interns 1
 AOTS-Yokohama-group-photo click here
 Ten years ago click here
  Sept 2016 1 2 3
  Interns with JLPT Students in AAAWI click here
  Orientation of Interns at AAAWI click here
  ISO Certification Seminar 1 2
  Mr. Goliya & Mr. Purav with Consul General Mr. Ito san click here
  Mr. Goliya & Ms. Rasal with JETRO Director General Mr. Takeshi Honjo,
  Mr. Keisuke Asakura & Mr. Sanjay Bhatia click here
  Mr.Goliya-and-Mr.-Purav-with-Mr.-Kakuta-san-and-Mr.-Konichi-san-and-Mr.-Hiraga-san click here
  Mr. Manmohan at IDEMI click here
  SAFAAS AGM attended by Ms. Vasundhara Rasal - Vice President click here
  Orientation at Godrej for WNF 1 2
  WNF godrej team 1 2 3 4 5 6
 Interns at VJIT Exhibition 1 2
 Interns in a marriage ceremony with Mr. Agrawal 1 2 3
 Christmas Party for Interns 1 2
  Acknowledgement to Mr. Premchand Goliya for MONOZUKURI 1 2
  Farewell for Intern Suzuki 1 2
  New EC Committee 1
  SAFAAS Convention at Sri Lanka - 2017​ 1 2
  Mr. Anjani agrawal at the Convention 1
  Mr. Kangane & Mr.Patil at Safaas 1
  Mr. Purav with members of AOTS Nepal 1
  KML 1 2
  Youth Leadership Workshop 1
  Mr. Tomio Mizokami and Mr. Purav 1 2
  Mr-Banavalkar 1 2
  visit to program of celebration of Japanese Emperor's birthday 1
  METI Interns visit to Aurangabad and Elephanta caves. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  Mr. Girish Karandikar 1  Mr. Karandikarat WNFExpert prog. 1
  April 2018 1 2
  July 2018 1 2 3 4
  WNF 2018 1 2 3 4
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