Services  Airfield Ground Lighting

From the moment you decide to Develop, Increase, or Renew your existing airfield lighting systems, PRISM CONSULTING ENGINEERS AGL design team works closely with you to gain a comprehensive understanding of your requirements.

We realize that many AGL products require meticulous calculations to ensure a Correct placement, Installation, Optimized power rating and Functionality. With more than 30 YEARS of experience in this industry, we are well versed with the complexity and specialization requirement to undertake the AGL design. Furthermore our team of highly qualified and specialized electrical engineers and CAD technicians are adept with the airfield lighting and all its associated system and processes.

Standard AGL Design Process

Preliminary AGL Design:

After ensuring compliances to the International, National as well as local codes, standards, regulations and considering the critical and sensitive areas of the airport’s the Airfield Solutions defines the AGL layout and specifications, and its Bill of Quantities (BoQ) based on the airport’s approach category (Visual, Instrument or Non Instrument RWY viz. CAT I, II or III), independent of who the supplier of the AGL and electrical equipment will be.

Detailed Design:

What sets PRISM CONSULTING ENGINEERS apart is our impressive kit of assessment tools - CCR load calculations, PAPI calculations, LED lighting savings, and signage calculations - developed in various AGL design. Our team analyzes the necessity of AGL control and monitoring system requirements and takes decision on the requirement of Individual Lamp Control and Monitoring System (ILCMS),CMS for Circuit control, lights to be monitored and controlled, and use of sensors. The interaction with ATC and other related issues are also addressed. The detailed AGL design is also prepared strictly as per the best quality of product in commensuration with the need of the AGL system.

Final Detailed Design:

In addition to the technical specifications, electrical calculations and AGL layout, the deliverables also include the detailed PAPI approach profile calculations and the AGL installation details in compliance with the manufacturers’ requirements. Our team prepares these installation details relying on its unrivalled knowledge of airfield lighting and related systems, and on its extensive experience in AGL installation supervision. The final deliverable is a comprehensive Bill of Quantities which includes an in depth breakdown of the quantities of each AGL related item to be supplied and installed.


PRISM CONSULTING ENGINEERS always account for operational needs and challenges of the airports and research and develop new technologies to meet these needs. Our AGL design and auditing team also helps in the initial decision making by providing information on AGL systems, of the various technologies available, and the one most suited to develop your airport’s infrastructure, to maximize the safety, efficiency and performance of the airfield: